Genre : Tabletop Team-Game
Length : 3 days
Status : Jam-Game
Team : 6

What I've done :

  • Helped gathering brainstorm as a team around a commune vision
  • Designed action cards around strategies
  • Tested and balanced actions, randomness and general rules
  • Helped rules writing

For the first 3 days of school at ENJMIN I worked as a Game Designer on my first tabletop game "Fanfaronnade" and it was amazing

The project

"Fanfaronnade" is a turn-based team tabletop from 4 to 6 players. You play in pairs and represent a band in a fanfare competition out of which you want to end up victorious. You're attributed a partition which is a sequence of dance move you and your partner will have to learn and then complete by drawing cards. When both you and your partner have the corresponding cards, you then have to perform the dance to win the game.

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Game Design

The first part of my job as a Game Designer on this project was to filter my own ideas and the ones of my team around the vision we had. We only had a couple of days to both pitch, design and produce the game which didn't let a lot of features in the end product.

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Then I worked on the strategy part of the game with the action cards. I designed cards in order to bring counter abilities, information gatherer, card stealing and card recovering. Most cards require you to perform moves as well to be executed. I kept in mind the difficulty of explaining specific cases in the rules and the game vision based on silliness, moves, memory and communication.

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