Genre : Horror
Length : 2.5 months
Status : Finished game
Team : 6
Engine : Unity
Plateform : PC
Dont Look is a student project I pitched during my ENJMIN's first year.
I was interested in the horror genre for his design and staging potential
but also Chiaroscuro-like ambiance which always fascinated me.
That led me to explore the eye tracking technology around the idea of making the player
fear looking at his screen.
The whole game revolves on one simple idea: your character holds a flashlight in a dark environment. You'll have to look around, activate devices and avoid traps to progress. Your flashlight aims at where you're looking on the screen, but be careful about what awaits you in the dark.
The eye tracker was at first only used to control the light beam, we later followed our teacher's advice to add light-activable
devices which made players use their gaze to interact with objects. It enabled us new possibilities in level design but
also created another problem : missing intentionality.
Players could now use objects with their eyes but didn't always mean to. They didn't understand and
felt a lack of control with this new mechanic, until concentration came up.
The idea is simple : add another light state to trigger objects, controled by the player with a button. Triggering devices
was not accidental anymore but meant. We then added new objects to interact with: like doors, light detectors and elevators to
make it part of the core experience, and reinforcing the use of the eye tracking.
To hide from the spider, players would have to get inside a closet and close their
eyes for real. The idea turned out to be one of the most remarkable feature in the game.
You had to rely on sounds to ensure the monster went away and fight the urge to open your eyes.