Genre : Horror
Length : 2.5 months
Status : Finished game
Team : 6
Engine : Unity
Plateform : PC

Roles :


What I've done :

  • Developped a practical tutorial level
  • level layout & implemented in Unity using Pro Builder / Pro Grid
  • Co-Designed & realised Level Design
  • Level art, VFX & Lighting

The project

Dont Look is a student project I pitched during my ENJMIN's first year. I was interested in the horror genre for his design and staging potential but also Chiaroscuro-like ambiance which always fascinated me.
That led me to explore the eye tracking technology around the idea of making the player fear looking at his screen.

Level Design

These are examples of puzzle-platformer situations we thought about when our game experience wasn't tottaly defined yet :

When the vision was set, we designed situations as a step by step tutorial teaching each mechanic to the player with gameplay and staging.

We focused on creating tension in our short span without rushing or jumscare-like overuse
Guidelines were simple : surprise the player by forcing him to go against his natural visual instincts and that's how we designed our situations.